Tuesday, 14 March 2017

SotozenIndia.com : How to Make Puttu ?

How to Make Puttu Easily?

Rice Powder for making Puttu is available in Market. Either use it or otherwise use the below method to make Rice Powder.

How To Make Puttu ? 

1.      Soak rice for about 1-1.30 hours  
2.      Then Drain the water completely and dry the wet rice. Grind  it to coarse powder.
3.      In a pan heat the rice powder for 3-4 minutes ( Pls Note: Do not roast )
4.      In this powder  sprinkle Salted water
5.      Please be  careful in mixing water. The perfect combination of water and rice powder is necessary.
6.      In a Puttu Maker (Puttu making vessel available online @ www.Sotozenindia.com) add enough to the bottom vessel of the Puttu maker and allow to simmer till hot. Place the round  disc with holes inside the puttu maker such that it fits well at the bottom of the mould. Place one  layer of grated coconut at the bottom of the puttu maker. Carefully and slowly add about 5-6 table spoons of the puttu powder from a height followed by another layer of  grated coconut. Again you can layer with   puttu powder and finish off with one layer of grated coconut on the top. Place the lid over the puttu mould and place the mould over the bottom vessel.

7.      Steam it for 10 minutes.

8.      Your Tasty & delicious Puttu is ready now

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